Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism cover

How does the it  apply?

The Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism Strategy  requires two different forms of review of aspects of a building and its use, and of any events involving numbers of people.

The purpose is to identify the risks of terrorism or other violence against multiple persons, and what can be done to reduce those risks.

Who undertakes the Audit and Self-Assessment?

Crowded Places Audits and Crowded Places Self-Assessments can be undertaken by the business owner, manager or an external consultant.

We are happy to undertake Crowded Places Audits and Crowded Places Self-Assessments and to support owners and managers  of buildings, businesses, organisations and events in doing so.

We are members of the Western Australian Crowded Places Forum organised and chaired by the WA Police Protective Security Unit.

Contact us for support

Contact us now if you would like:

1. More information about whether the Australian Crowded Places legislation applies to your premises or event.

2. Assistance with undertaking a Crowded Place Security Audit or Crowded Place Security Self-Assessment

3. Advice on addressing the requirements of the Australian Crowded Places legislation

Contact us now at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +61 (0)4 3497 5848



The new Australian Government Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism documents are available here

Many of the principles of the above Australian government documents closely align with UK's  2010 Policy 'Working Together to Protect Crowded Spaces'

They  also align with the NSW Police Safer by Design assessments (which we are qualified to conduct).




